Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Now a Newlywed, Still a Dieter.

2013 has been a year of incredible opportunities, career milestones and amazing adventures. Yet, just three weeks ago, I had the biggest milestone of not only the year, but of my life. I am now a married woman. On October 4th, I married my best friend in a beautiful wedding surrounded by my friends and family. It was the most special day of my life. But this post isn't about the intricate details of planning and enjoying a wedding, it's about providing tips to stick to a diet goal when you're out of your daily diet routine.

I'm a planner. I love details. So being in charge of planning every detail of my wedding day was really exciting for me. I took advantage of having a year to plan the wedding- and did not allow myself to become overly stressed...until the week before the big day, when the real fun began. I'm not going to lie, the final days leading up to the big day were crazy. I had most hours between 8AM and 8PM planned with things that needed to be picked up, dropped off, or arranged. Being so busy did not allow for much time to plan a healthy meal. My days consisted of mostly snacking whenever I had a free second to put food into my mouth. This kind of plan can spell catastrophe for a dieter. I knew I had to maintain the weight that I was in order for my dress to fit me perfectly- that thought weighed on my mind with every bite that I took. But because I've become so seasoned in dieting, I made healthier decisions with my food choices. Where before, the drive-thru would have been my best friend in days of constant commotion, I instead packed healthy snacks in my purse, so I knew I could eat something healthy whenever I needed to. This worked for me, I made sure to eat breakfast and dinner daily- and usually spent the afternoon hours snacking on the treats I had stashed in my purse. 

After the big day, my new husband and I went on an amazing two week honeymoon to Hawaii and California. I was completely out of my element. I had vowed to myself to enjoy the two weeks, to not make my food choices the focus of the trip. I knew I wouldn't be surrounded by my usual healthy foods, and I had to come to terms with knowing it would be okay to eat foods I usually stayed away from. It was a constant struggle for me. I enjoyed each meal- indulging in foods that I haven't had in years...pancakes, bacon (not turkey bacon), cheeseburgers (not made with ridiculously lean beef) and cheese. But I experienced regret after each meal knowing I was probably gaining weight that I had worked so hard to take off. In situations like this, no matter how many people tell you you're not going to gain as much weight as the worst case scenarios playing in your head, the only voice you will truly listen to is your own. 

My internal voice that holds me accountable for food that I eat would not be silenced, so I had to find ways to counteract it in order to enjoy our honeymoon. I found that the best thing I could do is try to do something active every single day. I spent the first week in Disneyland, walking over 20,000 steps a day racing from ride to ride and the second week in Hawaii, taking 3 mile hikes enjoying the beauty of the island. Because I knew I was moving around every day, I allowed myself to indulge in foods that I had given up. And when I got home, the scale was very forgiving of me...I had only gained one pound! 

As I begin this new chapter of my life as a newlywed, my weight loss goal has not wavered. The day we returned, I quickly went back onto MyFitnessPal, entering the my daily food intake. The truth is, I enjoyed having a two week break, where I didn't log my food and I attempted to not worry about what I was putting into my body, but it felt like something was missing. Living a healthy lifestyle has become such a vital part of my life, that when I steered off course for a short time, I felt off. I didn't have as much energy. My body felt heavy and sluggish. 

I know what I've accomplished over three years has completely changed my life. My honeymoon was a testament to the way I've trained my body to yearn for healthier food. I missed my daily diet habits of whole grains, lean meats, lots of fruit, and of course my ice cream. Dieting is not only about working towards a number on the scale, it's also about teaching yourself what should be put into your body and what shouldn't. I knew I had mastered the first goal- as I had been losing weight for almost three years, but I had never truly tested myself when it came to my body's reaction to wavering off my diet. After my honeymoon of cheeseburgers, fries, bacon, and delicious Hawaiian desserts, my body craved healthier food choices. And because of that, I know I'm doing something right. 


  1. Hi, Becky! I think you're doing it correctly, and with a little more discipline, you'd soon achieve your ideal weight. When eating, make sure to not deprive yourself from the food that you love. You can eat in moderation and those guilty food once in a while. Exercise will help you burn those unwanted fats afterwards. Good luck! :)

    -Rey Portillo @ RPMLaserTherapy

  2. Hi, Congrats for the newlywed and good-luck for your weight loss, hoping for your success.

    fitness program nyc

  3. How are you now, Becky? I have to agree with what Rey mentioned. All work, no play attitude when trying to lose weight is a big no-no. This tend to make the exercise more of a boring routine than a fun, challenging, and exciting activity. If the going gets really tough, you can always rely on trusted fitness professionals to aid you every step of the way! Thanks for sharing!

    Andrea King @ Achieve True Balance
